Typically, £4,000 to £7,000 for most 10-16 panel solar systems. Your exact cost will depend on your roof covering, the height from ground to gutter, how many roof pitches you install panels on, the type and quantity of solar panels, the type of inverter and whether or not you add optimisers or any other accessories. |
Typically, £200-700 per year for most residential solar. When you sign up for a free quote, one of our energy consultants will work with you to determine how much you can expect to save on your monthly energy bill. This will depend on your electricity consumption, the current electricity price and how much sunlight your home gets. We’ll only recommend solar if it’s the right fit for your home energy needs.
Over the course of 25 years, we’ll estimate each kWh of electricity generated from your solar costs approximately 6-10p.?? Every kWh of solar electricity you use means not having to buy that kWh at a higher price from your electricity supplier. In addition, most electricity suppliers will pay you for electricity you don’t use and can therefore export. This can save you an additional £30-150 per year. The amount you ultimately get paid for the power your export depends on how many kWh you export and the export tariff levied by your electricity supplier.
Yes! Provided you plan to stay in your house long enough and your solar system is sized, designed, installed and maintained correctly, it can reduce your bills, help you do your bit for the environment and make your home more valuable to potential buyers.
For most existing properties you typically need at least 6-8 solar panels to generate enough solar electricity to ensure a good return on investment. Your final total will depend on how much electricity you consume, your electricity price, your budget, how many panels can be fitted on your roof and, if you need permission, whether your local network operator grants permission to connect your solar to the grid. |
A house’s solar readiness can depend on several things, including its size, roof shading, the age and angle of your roof, the presence of dormers, velux windows, soil vent pipes and chimneys. Our solar proposal process considers your unique situation, so you will know before even thinking about financing if solar panels and/or battery storage is a good fit for your home.
Most residential solar systems generate between 2,000-6,000kWh per year. For every 1kW of solar energy you’ll typically generate 800-1,000kWh of electricity per year. Ultimately, the amount of solar energy your system generates will depend on how many panels or kW’s?? you have installed, the pitch and orientation of your roof, the impact of any shading and the irradiance levels in your area.
Each solar panel is typically capable of producing 350-550W. If your solar system has 10 x 400W panels, your solar is categorized as 4000W or 4kW. You might have a 3.68kW inverter with that, so the peak power your solar system will provide to your house would be 3.68kW. We still call this 4kW solar.
Advantages: It saves you money. Solar produces low-cost electricity – lower cost than the grid. This electricity can be put to any use in your home. You can also earn money by selling exported solar energy via the Smart Export Guarantee. Low maintenance costs, because there are very few moving parts to go wrong. Service life of 20-40 years. You produce local electricity that won’t have to travel far to get to your door, saving the cost of electricity transmission and distribution. Solar produces electricity without any carbon emissions (barring any emissions from manufacture, transport, and installation).
Disadvantages: Initial cost (this is getting lower all the time and we offer financing). Solar is weather-dependent and generates less power in winter than in summer (this can be offset with batteries. It may takework to ensure your system looks aesthetically pleasing. Not every roof is suitable for solar (we can advise very swiftly on whether your roof is suitable or not).
Yes, although they generate less electricity than in Spring and Summer. Similarly, solar panels produce more energy in the middle of the day than in the start and end of the day, when irradiance levels are weaker. There is also a seasonal mismatch between when the sun is shining most in summer and when we need electricity most in the winter. Despite this, solar is still a great investment.